SLIC POSTER 02 – I was born already full of beauty


This poster from Fabic Publishing supports people of all ages to know that our true beauty is not outside of us but comes from deep within our heart and makes us shine. Why? Because this deep inner beauty makes us love who we are, without reservations.

Quantity Price
1 - 9 $10.00
10+ $5.00

This poster comes in A4 size only.

This poster from Fabic Publishing is designed to support people of all ages to know that we are all born full of beauty and that this beauty comes from deep within our heart.

Many people choose to believe that beauty is something that comes from outside of us, that it is the way we look or dress or how we do things, but this is not true. We are all born already beauty-full and this beauty comes from deep within our heart.

When we connect to this beauty deep we cannot but love who we are and then we shine wherever we are and wherever we go.

Based on the SunLight Ink book My Number 1 Job!

SLIC POSTER 02 – I was born already full of beauty


This poster from Fabic Publishing supports people of all ages to know that our true beauty is not outside of us but comes from deep within our heart and makes us shine. Why? Because this deep inner beauty makes us love who we are, without reservations.

Quantity Price
1 - 9 $10.00
10+ $5.00


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