SERIES – Mental Wellness
Mental wellness is far more than just the absence of a diagnosed mental illness; so, what foundations do we choose for our everyday life? This 13 part series explores this topic in-depth.
This video is available to purchase on our sister site Fabic TV.
About this series
Mental illness does not start when we are given a diagnosis; is any deviation from mental wellness already the beginning of mental illness?
The complete 13 episode series covers:
MW01 – Mental Wellness vs Mental Illness – Building Foundations to Support Mental Wellness
Quality foundations, built well before a storm arrives, are essential. Introducing the mental wellness spectrum and how it can support us.
MW 02 – Embracing the Classroom of Life vs Withdrawal from Life Lessons
Is even the slightest reaction to a life lesson already a step into mental illness of low intensity? Instead, how can we learn to respond?
MW 03 – Blockages that Hinder Our Mental Wellness
When we are afraid of change, we’ve put one foot in the mental illness camp. Can we control life and what are pictures and smashed pictures?
MW 04 – Hurt People Hurt People – Understanding People, Relationships and Family
What does this mean? That people who feel hurt inflict hurt on other people. How? Because we don’t understand how harmful our pictures are.
MW 05 – Changing the Blame and Victim Mentality to Bring Lasting Change
When we are caught in blame and victimhood, there is no room to move or expand, and lasting behaviour change is surely out of the question.
MW 06 – The Way I Treat Me = The Quality of How I Allow Others to Treat Me
Do we say yes to abuse, or do we say yes to love? The answer has all to do with how we treat ourselves and allow others to treat us in turn.
MW 07 – Emotions and How They Impact the Body
When challenging situations occur, we can acknowledge the hurt (respond) or bury it in the body (react) and compromise our mental wellness.
MW 08 – Addictions – Do They Need to Be Part of My Life?
In this episode, Tanya Curtis explains that: “When the body is at code blue (calm + wanted), it does not rely on any form of addiction.”
MW 09 – Depression, Sadness, Grief and Loss – I Don’t Need to Live with This!
Breaking out of the cycle of needing things and people to be and do what we expect of them; how to get rid of our crushing subscriptions.
MW 10 – Bullying and Controlling Patterns – How Do I Not Allow Myself to Be Impacted by This?
All unwanted behaviour happens for a reason; it is preceded by anxiety and occurs when we react and not respond to what life has presented.
MW 11 – Eating Disorders or Disordered Eating – How Do Either Impact on My Mental Wellness?
Does the way we eat support us towards mental wellness or does it lead towards mental illness? Answers beyond right or wrong and good or bad
MW 12 Anger and Frustration – Finding a More Supportive Way to Express
Every single behaviour, whether of low or high intensity, is a form of communication. How to access and change what has been buried deeply.
MW 13 – Commitment to Life, Purpose and Our Mental Wellness
Withdrawal from life and/or people is a step towards mental illness whilst purpose and commitment to life confirm and build mental wellness.
The series can be purchased as a complete series (receive one episode free) or you can choose your selection of individual episodes. Each episode is stand-alone.
SERIES – Mental Wellness
Mental wellness is far more than just the absence of a diagnosed mental illness; so, what foundations do we choose for our everyday life? This 13 part series explores this topic in-depth.
This video is available to purchase on our sister site Fabic TV.
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