with Tanya Curtis
Leading Behaviour Specialist
Are you working in an industry that asks you to address human behaviour?
Enrich your clinical skills with professional support from world leading Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis.
Tanya offers clinical supervision and mentoring:
One-on-one for individuals
Groups on specific themed topics
Groups based on questions and answers and the deeper exploration of aspects of your clinical caseload
Organisation-based teams for specific clients

We support professionals in the industry of behaviour change to enhance their skills and deepen their understanding when responding to their clients’ unique requirements – assisting all (professionals and clients) to live with lasting behaviour change as their model.
You might be an allied health professional, educator, disability worker and/or working in the fields of behaviour change, mental health, education, justice, disability, drugs and alcohol, human resources or any industry where there are humans changing behaviour.
As an individual you set the tone of the supervision session, bringing specific questions about your caseload and particular client-based questions – it’s your session, you set the agenda.
Groups will be no bigger than ten people and will sometimes be themed and other times more free flowing and Q+A based.
Themed groups may be based on a FABIC.TV topic which will include:
- Watching a particular episode from FABIC.TV prior to the supervision session
- Participating with practical questions based on the material you have watched
- Taking the theory from the FABIC.TV topic and making it practical in your clinical application
- Individual Supervision/Mentoring 50 minutes per session
- Group Supervision 90 minutes per session
Suitable for any practitioner or student ready to advance their clinical and professional skills in the field of behaviour change
- Individual Supervision/Mentoring Telehealth or at a FABIC office if the location suits
- Group Supervision Telehealth
- Organisation-based Supervision Telehealth or in the organisation’s environment if the location is suitable (travel costs apply)
- Individual Supervision/Mentoring $242 incl. GST
- Group Supervision* $66 p.p. incl. GST (maximum of 10 people per group)
- Organisation-based Supervision Quote based on the requirements of the organisation
* FABIC.TV subscription is an additional cost

FABIC.TV offers several series, including:
- The Body Life Skills program
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Functional Behaviour Assessment
- Skills Building for Lasting Behaviour Change
- Mental Wellness
- FABIC Foundations 101 (various topics)
For more about supervision — Download the fact sheet or contact FABIC . . .
Travel Fees Apply
Travel fees apply, for all on-site consultations.
Please contact Fabic directly for more information.