Fabic Behaviour SPECIALIST Blog

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Fabic Blog Perfectionism Is It Debilitating My Child

Perfectionism – is it debilitating my child?

Perfectionism is simply an image we create of how we expect something to happen. Does your child ever: Yell, scream and/or have a tantrum simply ...
Fabic Blog Effect of Competitiveness on Children

The Effects of Competitiveness for Children

Question: Can you teach competitiveness to your children? My child does not have any interest in competing in sport or other activities and sits back ...
Fabic Blog Perfectionism and Behaviour Issues in Schools

Perfectionism and Behaviour Issues in Schools

When we watch the news, read the paper, talk to a neighbour or a man down the street, it is apparent that schools are experiencing ...
Fabic Blog Winter And Our Mental Health

Winter and our Mental Health

What do you think of winter? Do you love the season and look forward to it or do you feel flat and loathe it?
Fabic Blog Mothers True Role

A Mother’s True Role

Motherhood, mum, mother and all the associated words come with many images. Images of who is a mother, what a mother should and shouldn’t do, ...
Fabic Blog Foods and Moods

Foods and Moods

Do foods really impact our moods? Fabic Behaviour Specialist and Counsellor Tanya Curtis looks into the correlation.Foods are used in so many ways.
Fabic Blog Fussy Feeders

Fussy Eaters and Problem Feeders

Promoting healthy eating behaviours is vital to your child’s development. Many parents can feel stuck with what to do when their ‘fussy’ child won’t eat.
Fabic Blog Sport Healing or Harming

Sport: Healing or Harming the Soul?

Our Australian culture is very much sports-orientated. It’s a culture that can start from the day a baby is born and is often carried throughout ...
Fabic Blog Parent Child Romance

The Parent and Child Romance

More than any game, toy, food, material possession, praise or positive reinforcement, more than anything in this world, children want to be seen and confirmed ...
Fabic Blog Tips For Anyone In Business

5 Tips for Anyone Starting a Business

On Fabic's 10th Birthday... founder and managing director Tanya Curtis reflects on what she has learnt in 10 years of business...
Fabic Blog Occupational Support for Child at School

How Occupational Therapy Can Support Your Child at School

Fabic’s occupational therapist Annie sheds some light on the role of school-based occupational therapy.Is your child struggling with their participation at school? You may have ...
Fabic Blog Number 1 Job

Do you know your Number 1 job?

Whatever your age, we all have jobs in life. They might be trivial jobs that our parents assign us as kids or they might be ...
Fabic Blog What are unwanted behaviours

What are unwanted behaviours?

Tanya Curtis' work is dedicated to supporting children, teenagers and adults to understand and change their unwanted behaviours... but what exactly is an unwanted behaviour?
Fabic Blog Child Motor Skills Are Not Fine

When My Child’s Motor Skills Are Not ‘Fine’

When your child gets to preschool or kinder, there may be some worry that they don't tick the boxes on developmental milestones. He or she ...
Fabic Blog Speech Pathology How it can support you

How can Speech Pathology support adults?

You sometimes hear adults with a lisp or who have trouble saying ‘r,’ but speech pathologists rarely work with adults on how to produce speech ...
Fabic Blog What Is Occupational Therapy

How Occupational Therapy and Psychology Can Support Improved Mental Health and Well-being

Mental Health Week runs during 4-10 October. To mark this event, we will share how you can support yourself or a loved one experiencing a ...
Fabic Blog Impact Of Perfectionism

Perfectionism – The Hidden Epidemic

Is perfectionism affecting your child? Do you even know the signs?

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