Social Skills
Our ability to interact socially is super important in life because literally everything we do in life requires social interaction. It also is an area of life which tends to affect us the most as many hurts and issues involve another person.
In the articles below we make social skills every-day, simple and relatable with lots of examples, sharing the importance of social skills and how to support another with developing them.
Cycle of Bullying
Bullying is an area of concern that many of our clients can present with over their course of treatment. This can impact individuals of varying ...
Your Questions, Answered – 01
Question: My best friend’s child is mean to mine and it’s affecting our friendship. We’ve been friends since high school and I don’t want our ...
Q & A With Fabic
Question: How do I handle other mothers who make me feel like a bad mum whether it be in relation to my food choices for ...
Competitive Spirit: Good or Bad?
Question: Dear Tanya: My daughter rarely competes in any events as she has the mindset that she will be no good and fail — how ...
Love Is An Observation
What is love? This is quite a valid question this month as we go about flaunting our love for one another on Valentines Day.
Kids’ Parties: What Are We Teaching Our Children?
Parties can be filled with giggles, excitement and create many happy memories. On the other hand, parties can be filled with many opportunities for life ...
The True Gift of Christmas
Christmas is well and truly coming. Some get excited, others get stressed and anxious and for others many meltdowns proceed.
Parties Make Great Classrooms
Parties appear to be something that we all look forward to ... Or do we?
The Playground is a Classroom of Life
Observing a playground full of children, it does not take long to identify a similar feel to a hospital and even an airport. How, you ...
Why Choose a Social Skills Group?
Social skills groups are an excellent way for children who find social and/or classroom interactions with peers challenging to develop these crucial skills. Social skills ...
The Christmas Holiday Phenomenon
It’s a common phenomenon that children seem to flourish in speech and communication development over the Christmas holidays. So what’s the secret ingredient?
School Holidays… A Golden Opportunity
The school holidays are upon us and with them comes the myriad of holiday clinics, trips to the movies, camps and other holiday activities. But ...
Happy Holidays?
The Holiday Season — festive for some, yet stressed, anxious, depressed and/or angry for others. Have you ever wondered why at the end of the ...