Parenting is an aspect of life that is notorious for encountering challenging situations that may push our boundaries of what we may be used to in life. And yet parenting can equally be very fun and evolutionary for all.
We break down many of the common issues and situations encountered during parenting and share another perspective of how these experiences in the classroom of life (as Tanya Curtis terms it) can be approached.
Toddler Tantrums: Is my child just naughty … or are they anxious?
Tantrum behaviours are often seen as a person somehow being ‘wrong’, ‘bad’, ‘contrary’ or ‘naughty’. But the truth is that all behaviour is a form ...
Being a man – anxious much?
Anxiety is very rarely what brings a man to our clinic; generally, they present to support their children, a friend, their partneror wife. However, it ...
Your Questions, Answered – 02
Question: How do I get my kids to stop asking for stuff all the time when we are out? Whether we are at a farm, ...
Q & A With Fabic
Question: How do I handle other mothers who make me feel like a bad mum whether it be in relation to my food choices for ...
Growing Up: Changing Parental Relationships
Children tend to grow quickly from their cute toddler stage into young children, teens and beyond. As they develop, our way of being with them ...
Supporting our Tweens
It might be hard to see sometimes, but at the core of our tweens is an awesome, amazing and lovable being — and not the ...
Mothering or Smothering?
Mothering and smothering. Two very similar words in annunciation but, by geez by gingo, their meanings are polar opposite!
Kids’ Parties: What Are We Teaching Our Children?
Parties can be filled with giggles, excitement and create many happy memories. On the other hand, parties can be filled with many opportunities for life ...
Tips to Support Understanding During Toilet Training
Toilet training can be so simple for some and yet can take what seems like forever to be successful in others. The key with all ...
Holiday Season: The Pros and Cons
School holidays are here. “Yippee!” say some parents.
The True Gift of Christmas
Christmas is well and truly coming. Some get excited, others get stressed and anxious and for others many meltdowns proceed.
Travelling Terrors – Can We Avoid Them?
The countdown to your holiday has ended. Finally, the day has come.
A Mother’s True Role
Motherhood, mum, mother and all the associated words come with many images. Images of who is a mother, what a mother should and shouldn’t do, ...
Foods and Moods
Do foods really impact our moods? Fabic Behaviour Specialist and Counsellor Tanya Curtis looks into the correlation.Foods are used in so many ways.
Fussy Eaters and Problem Feeders
Promoting healthy eating behaviours is vital to your child’s development. Many parents can feel stuck with what to do when their ‘fussy’ child won’t eat.
The Parent and Child Romance
More than any game, toy, food, material possession, praise or positive reinforcement, more than anything in this world, children want to be seen and confirmed ...
Playing By My Rules
From the outset of a baby being born we must be aware that children are easily influenced. Children of all ages including our babies and ...
School Holidays… A Golden Opportunity
The school holidays are upon us and with them comes the myriad of holiday clinics, trips to the movies, camps and other holiday activities. But ...
Allowing Dads To Be Who They Are
What does the role of dad ask men to be? What impact does this have on all fathers in the world?
Little Runaways
Going to public places can be a nightmare for some parents due to their child being a 'runner' ... running from shops, carparks, beaches, the ...
Sibling Rivalry
Too frequently we accept sibling rivalry as a norm — “That’s just what siblings do!” They sometimes fight, call each other names, are in competition ...
Saying Goodbye at School… Harder for Child or Parents?
Starting the school year and school day can bring about a degree of anxiety for children — and frequently parents too. It’s not uncommon that ...
Happy Holidays?
The Holiday Season — festive for some, yet stressed, anxious, depressed and/or angry for others. Have you ever wondered why at the end of the ...
Does lying to our children impact on their development?
It is not uncommon for children to be lied to by their parents! These lies might be little white lies or lies we say are ...