Occupational Therapy
We make Occupational Therapy simple and practical with every-day real life examples of how Occupational Therapy applies to so many situations. Learn simple tips and techniques that you can apply in your life that can support you or another.
I heart handwriting
Learning to write can be difficult for some children with undue stress and tension experienced. We share some supportive tips.
The Problem with Procrastination
Procrastination /prə(ʊ)ˌkrastɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ noun: the action of delaying or postponing something. Do you ever delay completing tasks that are important? Do you ever hesitate to accept ...
Fussy Eaters and Problem Feeders
Is your child fussy about their food or presenting with eating issues? We examine what may be causing this and what may support your child.
How Occupational Therapy Can Support Your Child at School
Fabic’s Occupational Therapist Annie Tran details how Occupational Therapy sessions in school can allow a clearer picture of a child’s strengths and challenges
When My Child’s Motor Skills Are Not ‘Fine’
When your child gets to preschool or kinder, there may be some worry that they don’t tick the boxes on developmental milestones. He or she ...
How Occupational Therapy and Psychology Can Support Improved Mental Health and Well-being
We share how you can support yourself or a loved one experiencing a mental health issue and fully utilise the support available at Fabic.
What is Occupational Therapy?
We explore what Occupational Therapy is, how it may support you or someone you know and the various funding options available
Fabic is Now Offering Occupational Therapy
Fabic welcomes Occupational Therapist, Annie Tran to the team and shares what services she offers to children and adults.