Mental Health
It is a well known fact that mental health issues in virtually every place in the world are on the rise and the levels of stress, tension and anxiety most experience are at an all time high.
So how do we approach this? These articles explore many of the issues society is facing with regard to mental health and how we can practically heal them.
Teaching Kids and Teens to Ask for Help at School
We often don’t think of asking for help as something that needs to be taught. We tend to assume that children, teenagers and adults alike, ...
Are expression and anxiety related?
There is at times so much that we really want to express – but often we don’t. Why is that?
Dis-Ability or Diff-Ability
I love working with people – with or without a diagnosed disability. Some people I work with have presenting symptom(s) that lead to a formalised ...
Mental Health Burnout … at epidemic proportions and no end in sight
When entering the phrase 'mental health burnout’ in a search engine, 2,910,000 results showed up. When I clicked on the ‘scholarly link’, another 83,600 results ...
Cyber-bullying – is it really our new normal?
Cyber bullying is without a doubt an epidemic today. It is a worldwide issue that affects untold many.
Autism Spectrum – Going Beyond the Label
Tanya Curtis has been working in the field of disability and with Autism Spectrum Disorder since 2002 and sees autism as a description of a ...
Anxiety and Adaptability during Covid-19
On the 1st of January 2020, people woke up all around the world with their New Year's resolutions, planning and picturing their way forward for ...
Anxiety and Wellness – are they related?
The symptoms of anxiety occur in our body when we ‘perceive’ we do not have the required skills to respond to life. What if our ...
Anxiety and BEING a Man
In the confines of a counseling clinic, many men and fathers report feelings of anxiety on a regular basis. However, anxiety is rarely what initially ...
The Problem with Procrastination
Procrastination /prə(ʊ)ˌkrastɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ noun: the action of delaying or postponing something. Do you ever delay completing tasks that are important?
Perfectionism – is it debilitating my child?
Perfectionism is simply an image we create of how we expect something to happen. Does your child ever: Yell, scream and/or have a tantrum simply ...
Perfectionism and Behaviour Issues in Schools
When we watch the news, read the paper, talk to a neighbour or a man down the street, it is apparent that schools are experiencing ...
Winter and our Mental Health
What do you think of winter? Do you love the season and look forward to it or do you feel flat and loathe it?
Sport: Healing or Harming the Soul?
Our Australian culture is very much sports-orientated. It’s a culture that can start from the day a baby is born and is often carried throughout ...
How Occupational Therapy and Psychology Can Support Improved Mental Health and Well-being
Mental Health Week runs during 4-10 October. To mark this event, we will share how you can support yourself or a loved one experiencing a ...
Perfectionism – The Hidden Epidemic
Is perfectionism affecting your child? Do you even know the signs?
The difference between seeking relief and addressing the root cause
Behaviour Specialist and Counsellor Tanya Curtis introduces the difference between seeking relief from an issue and addressing the root cause. Is it possible that understanding ...
You are not your behaviours; seeing people for the Awesome, Amazing, Loveable being that they are
In this interview, Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis presents the importance of seeing people for the Awesome, Amazing and Loveable being that they naturally are. Too ...
Tanya Curtis Interview with Cassie Clouser
In this warm and engaging interview with Cassie Clouser from Ohio U.S.A, Tanya Curtis covers a vast range of topics and offers great insight into ...
Understanding The Root Cause of Eating Disorders
Too frequently in today’s society, people who have labels become identified or are identified by their labels. In reality, a label will never change a ...