Body Life Skills
The Body Life Skills program offers a simple, practical, user-friendly and life-changing 3-step process that brings about lasting behaviour change. The Body Life Skills program understands that all unwanted behaviour is a result of anxiety first.
These articles showcase examples of real life situations where key elements of the Body Life Skills program are being applied in action.
What Are the FABIC Products and How Did They Come About?
There are many, many FABIC products that people can take home or order online that will assist them and the person they are supporting to ...
Your Questions, Answered – 06
We answer two common issues - When to loosen the boundaries on kids as they grow up. And how to support kids with regular routines ...
Your Questions, Answered – 05
We examine a common issue within many couples - how to handle a disagreement in parental values between each other?
Your Questions, Answered – 03
This month we examine why it is taboo to feel proud of your child when speaking to other parents. Is this feeling really true?
Growing Up: Changing Parental Relationships
As children grow up their needs change and parents need to adapt and be responsive to what is needed. It is important to have no ...
Travelling Terrors – Can We Avoid Them?
Holidays and travelling appear a great idea and, for many, it is all smooth sailing. However, for others it is an absolute nightmare. Why?
You are not your behaviours; seeing people for the Awesome, Amazing, Loveable being that they are
Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis presents the importance of seeing people for the Awesome, Amazing, Loveable being that they naturally are.
Rules, Pictures and Smashed Pictures
Tanya Curtis explains how 'rules', 'pictures' and 'smashed pictures' impact our lives, and how important understanding the impact of this is
Tanya Curtis Interview with Cassie Clouser
In this interview Tanya Curtis offers insight into the Fabic philosophy and how it can support with true and lasting behaviour change
Death, Grief and Children: how much do we share?
How open are we to children when it comes to death and dying? Do we share the whole truth, partial truth or withhold the truth?
Tanya Curtis on Eating Disorders
In this interview Tanya gives insight into the reasons why people develop eating disorders, and how she supports them.
Perceptions and Re-Interpretations: How are they are harming our lives?
All day every day we are sending and receiving messages from one person to another. Do we re-interpret these messages or are we fully open?
Honour & Acknowledge vs Ignore & Bury
Life sometimes presents big challenges and sometimes small challenges. We often ignore and bury what we feel which affects our behaviour.
Smashed Pictures
Smashed pictures are one of our greatest forms of anxiety and contribute greatly to all forms of behavioural deterioration
3 Simple Steps to Behaviour Change
People may think that changing their unwanted behaviour is an arduous and sometimes seemingly impossible process. By is this really true?