Behaviour Specialist

How does a Behaviour Specialist see and approach life and the various situations within it? How can behaviour change be so simple and practical?

In the articles that follow Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis shares insights from how she approaches life, breaking down many situations we may see as complex or difficult in simple everyday occurrences.


Dis-Ability or Diff-Ability

I love working with people – with or without a diagnosed disability. Some people I work with have presenting symptom(s) that lead to a formalised ...

Mental Health Burnout … at epidemic proportions and no end in sight

When entering the phrase 'mental health burnout’ in a search engine, 2,910,000 results showed up. When I clicked on the ‘scholarly link’, another 83,600 results ...
Classroom of Life vs Curriculum Based Classroom 1

Classroom of Life vs Curriculum-Based Classroom

There is a FABIC calendar called ‘Messages from the Classroom of Life’ which alone exemplifies that there is much, much more to learn in life ...
What are the Fabic Products how did they come about

What Are the FABIC Products and How Did They Come About?

There are many, many FABIC products that people can take home or order online that will assist them and the person they are supporting to ...
Make My Job Redundant

Making My Job Redundant

Tanya Curtis has always said that one of her most important jobs is to make her job redundant. And that is equally true for the ...
Building Foundations Test 750

Building Foundations

When hearing the phrase ‘building foundations’, we might be reminded of a house and how important it is that any built structure, from the family ...
Fabic Blog Life Is One Big Classroom

Life Is One Big Classroom

Learning is often associated with the traditional classroom, school and education facilities. But learning goes far beyond the classroom.
Fabic Blog Respond React

To Respond or to React?

Believe it or not, we make many more choices all the time than we are aware of. In almost every moment there is a choice ...
Fabic Blog Classroom of Life

The Classroom of Life

We often limit learning to a classroom, school or educational institution. But what if every moment of every single day is an opportunity to teach ...
Fabic Blog Here We Go Again New Year Resolutions

And Here We Go Again!

2017 is here and so we begin another cycle around the sun. Fabic Behaviour Specialist and Counsellor Tanya Curtis wants to know how ‘new’ your ...
Fabic Blog Winter And Our Mental Health

Winter and our Mental Health

What do you think of winter? Do you love the season and look forward to it or do you feel flat and loathe it?
Fabic Blog What are unwanted behaviours

What are unwanted behaviours?

Tanya Curtis' work is dedicated to supporting children, teenagers and adults to understand and change their unwanted behaviours... but what exactly is an unwanted behaviour?
Fabic Blog Difference Between Relief and Root Cause

The difference between seeking relief and addressing the root cause

Behaviour Specialist and Counsellor Tanya Curtis introduces the difference between seeking relief from an issue and addressing the root cause. Is it possible that understanding ...
Fabic Blog What Is A Behaviour Specialist

What Is A Behaviour Specialist?

Tanya Curtis describes her work and qualification as a Behaviour Specialist, shares how this approach differs to psychology, and introduces Fabic's Body Life Skills program ...
Fabic Blog Interview with Cassie Clouser

Tanya Curtis Interview with Cassie Clouser

In this warm and engaging interview with Cassie Clouser from Ohio U.S.A, Tanya Curtis covers a vast range of topics and offers great insight into ...
Fabic Blog Understanding Eating Disorders

Understanding The Root Cause of Eating Disorders

Too frequently in today’s society, people who have labels become identified or are identified by their labels. In reality, a label will never change a ...
Fabic Blog Eating Disorders

Tanya Curtis on Eating Disorders

Tanya Curtis was recently interviewed by the lovely Rachael Torise from BayFM 99.9 on the topic of Eating Disorders. In this interview Tanya gives insight ...

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