Tanya Curtis
Tanya Curtis is a Senior Behaviour Specialist, Counsellor, Author, Founder and Director of FABIC Behaviour Specialist Centre and FABIC Publishing. She is a leading authority on Autism Spectrum Disorder, developer of the Body Life Skills Program for lasting behaviour change and has in untold many cases been people’s last resort when they had all but given up.
Are expression and anxiety related?
There is at times so much that we really want to express – but often we don’t. Why is that?
Toddler Tantrums: Is my child just naughty … or are they anxious?
Tantrum behaviours are often seen as a person somehow being ‘wrong’, ‘bad’, ‘contrary’ or ‘naughty’. But the truth is that all behaviour is a form ...
Dis-Ability or Diff-Ability
I love working with people – with or without a diagnosed disability. Some people I work with have presenting symptom(s) that lead to a formalised ...
Mental Health Burnout … at epidemic proportions and no end in sight
When entering the phrase 'mental health burnout’ in a search engine, 2,910,000 results showed up. When I clicked on the ‘scholarly link’, another 83,600 results ...
Cyber-bullying – is it really our new normal?
Cyber bullying is without a doubt an epidemic today. It is a worldwide issue that affects untold many.
Being a man – anxious much?
Anxiety is very rarely what brings a man to our clinic; generally, they present to support their children, a friend, their partneror wife. However, it ...
Classroom of Life vs Curriculum-Based Classroom
There is a FABIC calendar called ‘Messages from the Classroom of Life’ which alone exemplifies that there is much, much more to learn in life ...
Autism Spectrum – Going Beyond the Label
Tanya Curtis has been working in the field of disability and with Autism Spectrum Disorder since 2002 and sees autism as a description of a ...
What Are the FABIC Products and How Did They Come About?
There are many, many FABIC products that people can take home or order online that will assist them and the person they are supporting to ...
Making My Job Redundant
Tanya Curtis has always said that one of her most important jobs is to make her job redundant. And that is equally true for the ...
Building Foundations
When hearing the phrase ‘building foundations’, we might be reminded of a house and how important it is that any built structure, from the family ...
Anxiety and Adaptability during Covid-19
On the 1st of January 2020, people woke up all around the world with their New Year's resolutions, planning and picturing their way forward for ...
Your Questions, Answered – 07
Question: My kids hate doing homework. What can I do?
Your Questions, Answered – 06
Question: My daughter, 12, has started to ask me to drop her at our local shopping centre so she can hang out there and go ...
Your Questions, Answered – 05
Question: My husband and I disagree over the kids’ rooms. I want their rooms to stay neat/clean.
Your Questions, Answered – 04
Question: I’ve been hearing loads of negative reports about the computer game 'Fortnite' in the media lately. Are computer games like this bad for my ...
Anxiety and Wellness – are they related?
The symptoms of anxiety occur in our body when we ‘perceive’ we do not have the required skills to respond to life. What if our ...
Your Questions, Answered – 03
Question: Sometimes I feel that being proud of my child is somewhat taboo when speaking to other parents. Shouldn’t we all be encouraging our kids ...
Your Questions, Answered – 02
Question: How do I get my kids to stop asking for stuff all the time when we are out? Whether we are at a farm, ...
Your Questions, Answered – 01
Question: My best friend’s child is mean to mine and it’s affecting our friendship. We’ve been friends since high school and I don’t want our ...
Q & A With Fabic
Question: How do I handle other mothers who make me feel like a bad mum whether it be in relation to my food choices for ...
Competitive Spirit: Good or Bad?
Question: Dear Tanya: My daughter rarely competes in any events as she has the mindset that she will be no good and fail — how ...
Growing Up: Changing Parental Relationships
Children tend to grow quickly from their cute toddler stage into young children, teens and beyond. As they develop, our way of being with them ...
Celebrating You!
What if every-day was worth celebrating … celebrating you? Parties can be lots of fun — there is no doubt about that, but parties are ...