Kathryn is the FABIC expert Speech Pathologist and has extensive experience working in the field of autism and the general practice of paediatric speech pathology. She works in private practice, schools, community health and in the not for profit sector.
Teaching Kids and Teens to Ask for Help at School
We often don’t think of asking for help as a skill that needs to be taught. in reality people of all ages can find it ...
The Parent and Child Romance
More than anything in this world, children want to be seen and confirmed for who they truly are. This means letting go of any pictures/needs.
Why Choose a Social Skills Group?
Social skills groups are an excellent way for children who find social classroom interactions with peers challenging to develop these skills.
The Christmas Holiday Phenomenon
Why is it that children seem to flourish in speech and communication development over the Christmas holidays? What’s the secret ingredient?
How can Speech Pathology support adults?
We offer a brief summary of the areas in which speech pathologists can support adults with their communication, swallowing and speech
Waiting for the First Words…
The milestone for a child's first words is 12 months. So what does it mean if your child has not begun speaking by then?
School Holidays… A Golden Opportunity
The school holidays are upon us and so are the myriad of holiday activities. But do the school holidays need to be expensive and busy?
Talking Sense: When to intervene in the development of my child’s speech?
How do we know when is the ‘right time’ to intervene in our children’s speech development or when do we leave our children to develop?
Autism Speech Pathology Services at Fabic
Fabic provides services to many children on the autism spectrum to support them and their families to understand and develop speech skills
How can Speech Pathology support children?
Speech pathologists, as the name suggests, work with children who have trouble producing speech sounds correctly.