About the NDIS

Find out more about Fabic and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) applies Australia-wide, supporting people with a diagnosed disability including a range of mental health and psychosocial conditions. It is designed to help participants access the support they need and improve their skills and independence over time.

‘The NDIS is intended to provide Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability, reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life’.

FABIC are NDIS registered providers of Behavioural Therapy and offer services Australia-wide (and internationally) via telehealth as well as face-to-face in our offices (at Gold Coast and Brisbane) as well as on-site in Flagstone, Beaudesert and the Tweed Shire.

NDIS Autism Support

One of the main reasons many clients come to FABIC is because of the extensive work and successful track record in supporting parents, carers, family members, work colleagues, teachers, staff, schools and the community to understand and support a person with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Autism Beyond The Label Fabic Website

Our NDIS Autism Support is delivered by world-renowned Senior Behaviour Specialist & Counsellor Tanya Curtis. Tanya founded FABIC in 2006 and leads a team of Behaviour Support Practitioners, including Behaviour Specialists and Behaviour Counsellors, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Speech Therapists, all working in the field of Behavioural Therapy.

NDIS Registered Providers

Services Offered at FABIC

The below listed services are available for those whom the NDIS have assessed as meeting their criteria for funding. These services are available via telehealth or face-to-face where location permits:

FABIC also offers an extensive range of behaviour therapy resources including books and other products (from our catalogue and delivered by Australia Post).

The FABIC main office is on the Gold Coast, with satellite offices in Brisbane and on request in Lismore as well as on-site presence in Flagstone, Beaudesert and in the Tweed Shire.

Are you eligible for NDIS?

To be eligible you must be:

  • Under 65
  • An Australian Resident
  • Living in an area where NDIS is available
  • Diagnosed with a disability that is likely to be permanent.
  • Requiring support now to reduce your future support needs

For more information see the NDIS Access Checklist.

Getting Ready for the NDIS

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Step 1: Eligibility Assessment

  • Contact the NDIS to assess your eligibility for the scheme. Phone 1800 800 110 or apply online.
  • Once eligibility has been confirmed, you are ready to take the necessary steps for preparing your individualised plan.
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Step 2: Meeting the Planner

  • NDIA have staff called planners who conduct the planning assessment.
  • Clients and planners together create an initial plan, identifying current and future support needs. Plans are geared towards supporting a client based on what is considered reasonable and necessary to enable a normal life.
  • Your first plan is the beginning of a life-long relationship with the NDIS.
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Step 3: Managing the Plan

Once your personal plan has been completed and agreed to by all parties, you have three choices as to how the plan is managed into the future:

  1. Self-management
    You manage the financial and administrative processes for your plan on your own, seeking reimbursement through the NDIS for services used
  2. Plan Management Provider
    You engage a business or an organisation to undertake all financial and administrative processes involved on your behalf
  3. Nominate the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency)
    NDIA make all necessary payments to any registered care and/or support providers chosen by you
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Step 4: Implementing the Plan

You contact service providers registered with the NDIS (for example FABIC for Behaviour Therapy) to support plan implementation.

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Step 5: Plan Review

Your plan is reviewed approximately every 12 months to ensure you have access to all required support and to identify any changes in your circumstances or gaps that might need addressing.

Booking an appointment at Fabic

Now that you are ready to book appointments for the Behavioural Services approved as part of your NDIS plan, get in touch with the Fabic reception team who will support you with the next steps.

Booking a Session Under NDIS

Fabic Butterfly Logo

To book one of our Behaviour Support Practitioners under the provision of the NDIS, it is a requirement for clients to:

  • Provide their unique NDIS number which they will be given at the eligibility assessment.
  • Complete a service agreement (provided by FABIC)
  • Complete an initial intake form (provided by FABIC)

Appointments are available

  • Face-to-face on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, Beaudesert, Flagstone and in the Tweed Shire
  • Local and national via telehealth

To book an appointment at Fabic:

General NDIS Questions Answered

  • For the disability sector to become one uniform national scheme
  • For Australians with a disability and their families to access more choices and have control over the services and supports required

The NDIS has replaced all previous disability funding systems. Prior to the NDIS, a person with a disability was eligible for funding, often known as ‘block funding’, which was allocated to disability organisations which then provided the bulk of a client’s support needs.

Under the NDIS

  1. A person with a disability is assessed as being eligible for funding
  2. Those eligible are allocated individualised funding according to their personal needs and goals
  3. Each person gets to exercise choice and control over the services and supports they receive

Once your NDIS package has been approved, you get to choose which providers to contact.

Because FABIC are NDIS registered providers, you can then access the FABIC team of NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners. Our practitioners include Behaviour Specialists and NDIS Counsellors, NDIS Psychologists, NDIS Occupational Therapists and NDIS Speech Therapists, all offering Behavioural Therapy via their specialised modality and its scope of practice.

To be eligible you must be:

  • Under 65
  • An Australian Resident
  • Living in an area where NDIS is available
  • Diagnosed with a disability that is likely to be permanent.
  • Requiring support now to reduce your future support needs

For more information see the NDIS Access Checklist.

A key principle underpinning the design of the NDIS is to give Australians with disability far greater choice and control over the supports and services they receive.

With their NDIS package, participants can:

  • Choose the service agencies they would like to provide the supports identified in their package
  • Change service providers who do not adequately and satisfactorily meet their needs
  • Directly employ their own support workers or purchase supports from mainstream and/or specialist providers of support workers
  • Seek support from intermediaries in making their choices and handling administrative tasks
  • Choose to manage their own package and purchase their own supports

When it comes to FABIC and our extensive range of Behavioural Services and Behavioural Therapy, from appointments with Behaviour Specialists, Behaviour Counsellors, Psychologists and Provisional Psychologists as well as for Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology, the administrative team have a wealth of knowledge and are available to assist you with your queries.

No, the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) is solely responsible for the overall administration of NDIS funds.

People ineligible for an individualised funding package can:

  • Seek general advice and information from the NDIA
  • Request a formal review and appeals process
  • NDIA offices are in all major cities and large towns
  • Other means of accessing the NDIS will be available, including online, face-to-face and over the telephone
  • Yes … but only once
  • An initial assessment by NDIA staff is essential to determine your eligibility for the NDIS and to establish your first plan
  • Once enrolled in the NDIS you need to regularly prove your eligibility
  • Each plan will require a monitoring and review process to accommodate changes in your individual needs or circumstances

About NDIS Services at Fabic

Yes Fabic are NDIS Registered Providers. We offer a range of services in Autism Support, NDIS Counselling, NDIS Speech Pathology, NDIS Speech Therapy, NDIS Behaviour Support, NDIS Psychology, NDIS Occupational Therapy and more.

See our clinical services pages for more information.

All our practitioners are qualified NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners as well as holding qualifications in their chosen field of practice. This means that any practitioner that you book will also be experienced in providing behaviour support.

With a focus on everyday activities, Occupational Therapy sessions can support both children and adults of all ages to function more independently each day and develop a living quality that allows them to enjoy life and live their full potential.

If you have an approved NDIS funding package you may be eligible to engage our Occupational Therapy Services. As registered NDIS providers Fabic can answer general questions about your NDIS funding and our Occupational Therapy Services. However please note that Fabic does not organise funding and participants must go direct to NDIS to source eligibility.

Yes, Fabic has Psychologists that are also qualified NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioners. All our psychologists are able to support under the NDIS.

Yes if you have an approved NDIS funding package you may be eligible to engage our NDIS Psychology services. We have both registered and provisional Psychologists. As registered NDIS providers Fabic can answer general questions about your NDIS funding and our Psychology Services. However please note that Fabic does not organise funding and participants must go direct to NDIS to source eligibility.

Yes we have NDIS Speech Pathologists at Fabic, who are available to take appointments. See the clinical services page for more information on these services.

Yes our qualified Speech Pathologist offers NDIS Speech Therapy services. For more information on the range of services offered see the Speech Pathology page.

Actually, there is no difference. The terms Speech Therapy and Speech Pathology can be used interchangeably. The term Speech Pathology or Speech Pathologist is more widely used in Australia. The terms Speech Therapist is more common in the United Kingdom.


As NDIS registered providers the team at FABIC are trained in understanding the basic administration side of NDIS, however all queries should be directed to NDIS direct:

  1. NDIS for participants https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants
  2. Phone NDIS direct: 1800 800 110

The Fabic administration team are more than ready to support you to make the Behavioural Services booking that is appropriate for your requirements and part of your NDIS plan.

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