About Fabic Behaviour Specialists
Fabic Behaviour Specialist Centre is a one-stop shop for behavioural services supporting LASTING behaviour change in people of all ages and demographics.
We are the world leader in offering simple, practical yet significantly effective strategies that bring understanding and lasting behaviour change – we make lasting behaviour change accessible to all.
The Fabic team understands that each and every person has behaviours they would prefer not to use … after all, we all have had, still have or will have our own repertoire of unwanted behaviours which will look different from person to person.

Workshops & Presentations
Fabic has a range of workshops and presentations to support you to become the master of understanding and bringing lasting behaviour change.

Products & Resources
We have developed a range of products and resources to support the integration of the Fabic methodology into a person’s natural environment — where lasting behaviour change is to occur.
We support anyone and everyone
Fabic multi-disciplinary centre supports with any and all behaviours, whether it be for an individual, a relationship, family, school, community, workplace and/or organisation.
Over the years we have successfully supported people of all ages and demographics to bring understanding and lasting change to ANY non-preferred behaviour or characteristics including but not limited to:
- Anxiety
- Sadness, grief, loss, depression
- Anger and/or frustration
- Committing to the demands of everyday life
- Occupational challenges related to school and/or workplaces
- Parenting
- Relationship breakdowns (personal, social, professional)
- Communication difficulties in homes, workplaces, schools, organisations and/or relationships
- Social skills and interpersonal relationships
- Behavioural and developmental disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Asperger’s Syndrome
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder
- Intellectual Disability
- Learning Disorders
- Mental health symptoms related to:
- Bi-polar
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Emotional and mood challenges
- Eating disorders and disordered eating
- Workplace dynamics
- Organisational change
- Bringing purpose to everyday life
- Improved quality of life and well-being
- Understanding behaviours used by other people in any setting
*an endless list as we all have behaviours we would much prefer not to be using
Online and Onsite Services
We provide online services via Zoom, phone or Facetime. We can also come to you and visit you onsite.
Fabic offers an extensive range of ONLINE support services for local, interstate & international clients who are not able to attend our clinics in person or prefer an online option.
Carrara, Gold Coast
The main Fabic clinic offering the whole range of support services plus events/workshops/presentations.
A Fabic satellite clinic where Fabic practitioners operate based on appointments.
We are all the same
Fabic holds equality as a core foundation and thus we know that everyone is the same, although we all present differently. Whether we are short or tall, young or old etc., at Fabic we hold everyone as an awesome, amazing lovable, being, recognising that the behaviours that come from each being don’t always match their awesome quality.
At Fabic we separate the being from the behaviour and know that every single behaviour happens for a reason; albeit that reason may not yet have been identified. We hold the REASON, the initial root cause of the behaviour (i.e. the function of behaviour) to be of far greater importance than what the behaviour looks like (i.e. the form of behaviour).
And thus, we do not label or judge behaviour to be ‘right or wrong’ or ‘good or bad’ etc.; instead, we know that bringing understanding to the reason for any non-preferred behaviour is the only way to truly support anyone to bring lasting behaviour change for themselves or any other person.
The Fabic methodology is based on The Body Life Skills Program, a simple, effective and powerful tool to bring lasting behaviour change in any circumstances. The Body Life Skills program was founded by Fabic Director and Principal Behaviour Specialist, Tanya Curtis as a formalisation of the methodology she has established and used in her services since 2006.
The Body Life Skills program brings simplicity and usability to the evidence-based practice of Functional Behaviour Assessment.
The acronym ‘Fabic’ stands for Functional Assessment and Behaviour Interventions Clinic.

No matter what, we are ALL