Who hasn’t asked this question? We know what to do but keep making the same mistakes rather than choosing lasting behaviour change once and for all.
In this video, Tanya Curtis, Senior Behaviour Specialist and founding director of FABIC Behaviour Specialist Centre, explains that lasting behaviour change is a change of movements in response to a challenging situation or trigger that has been presented. But what if we regarded these challenges and triggers not as negatives or an inconvenience but as our life lessons which, if we don’t get on top of them, are repeated over and over again. Have you not noticed?
When we respond rather than react to the lesson on offer, we develop self-mastery and stop making the same mistake when that lesson comes around again, as it invariably will.
With a willingness to treat our triggers as life lessons and develop the skills to self-master whatever the lesson may be, we ensure that our behaviour change in that part of life is solid and consistent. We stop making the same mistakes and can apply ourselves to self-master the next life lesson.
And we will never run out; there are always more learning opportunities and there are many life lessons in the big classroom of life.
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This video may be useful for those searching for the following:
- How to stop repeating the same mistakes
- How to avoid making mistakes
- Changing behaviour for good/stopping unwanted behaviour
- Achieving lasting/permanent behaviour change
- Changing behaviour forever