Do all choices have consequences?

All our choices and all our movements have an impact and consequences. Natural consequences are the outcomes of making choices and don’t have anything to do with labels such as good or bad, right or wrong.

Option 1 choices on the FABIC Anxiety/Behaviour scale support us to expand, develop and evolve as a consequence of our choices to be responsible and embrace the classroom of life and the many lessons on offer, every moment of every day.

Option 2 choices come from an alignment to irresponsibility and lead to delay and stagnation; they are a big no to our advancement and evolution.

Tanya Curtis, Senior Behaviour Specialist and founding director of FABIC Behaviour Specialist Centre, explains that every choice, every decision is either based on self-responsibility and our willingness to embrace our life lessons or delay if not avoid them altogether. And thus, the outcome is always either advancement or stagnation.

So yes, all decision making and all choices have consequences and they rely entirely on our alignment.

Download a free quote on self-responsibility.

This video may be useful for those searching for the following:

  • How to make better decisions

And for a deeper dive into all things LASTING behaviour change with FABIC:

But wait there's more!

When it comes to FABIC and LASTING behaviour change, there is always more!

On the FABIC website you will find information about the Clinical Services on offer, a shop with products dedicated to supporting with Behaviour Change and a wide range of free FABIC resources.

For more in-depth behaviour change content head over to Fabic TV.

If you want to really immerse yourself in all things FABIC and LASTING behaviour change we recommend the FABIC Study and FABIC Education websites.


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